Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization. Tax Id: 82-4014726
As a non-profit, we want to keep P&L statement open to public. Here are our income and expense statements.
2021 Profit & Loss
Fund Flow Statement - 2021 Thaipoosa Walk Event |
Inflow | Outflow |
Donations from Individuals* | $5,889 | 501c(3) Expenses | $162 |
Matching Donations | $0 | Vaikasi Walk Expenses | $1,032 |
Balance from year 2020 | $1084 | Shasti walk Expenses | $1,191 |
| | Hall Rental | $1,100 |
| | Thaipoosam Expenses | $1,950 |
Total Amount Received | $6,973 | Total Expenses | $5,435 |
Balance | $1,538 | | |
*Thanks to all sponsors and donors. If you haven't received donation receipt, please provide email
2020 Profit & Loss
Fund Flow Statement - 2020 Thaipoosa Walk Event |
Inflow | Outflow |
Donations from Individuals* | $8,631 | 501c(3) Expenses | $258 |
Matching Donations | $3,701 | Supplies | $1,566 |
Balance from year 2019 | $287 | Rentals | $2,203 |
| | Liability Insurance | $1,280 |
| | Permits | $1,845 |
| | Portable Restroom | $1,608 |
| | Cleaning | $340 |
| | Transportation | $2,435 |
Total Amount Received | $12,619 | Total Expenses | $11,535 |
Balance | $1,084 | | |
*Thanks to all sponsors and donors. If you haven't received donation receipt, please provide email
2019 Profit & Loss
Fund Flow Statement - 2019 Thaipoosa Walk Event |
Inflow | Outflow |
Donations from Individuals* | $7,291 | 501c(3) Expenses | $363 |
Matching Donations | $1,131 | Breakfast/Lunch Supplies | $1,773 |
| | Rentals | $826 |
| | Liability Insurance | $2,351 |
| | Permits | $705 |
| | Portable Restroom | $1,757 |
| | Cleaning | $360 |
Total Amount Received | $8,422 | | $8,135 |
Balance | $287 | | |
*Thanks to all sponsors and donors. If you haven't received donation receipt, please provide email
2018 Profit & Loss
Fund Flow Statement - 2018 Thaipoosa Walk Event |
Inflow | Outflow |
Donations from Individuals | $5,880 | 501c(3) Expenses | $357 |
Matching Donations | $1,300 | Breakfast/Lunch Supplies | $1,691 |
| | Janitor/Cleaners | $710 |
| | Kitchen Rent | $500 |
| | Liability Insurance | $2,336 |
| | Permits | $1,249 |
| | Portable Restroom | $1,608 |
Total Amount Received | $7,180 | Volunteer Tshirt | $475 |
Deficit | $2,043 | Water | $297 |
Total | $9,223 | Total | $9,223 |
Please talk to us, if you want more details on any of the items
Want to share or sponsor any of the Expenses incurred? Sponsor page
Keywords: Thaipoosam or Thaipusam or Thaipusa Walk, pathyathirai, padayatra from San Ramon Central park